"Parapsychology and anthropology"


pp. 1-11 Joseph K. Long : "Parapsychology and Anthropology".

p. 3 "ethnographic field studies .... [wherein] ... ethnologists believed they had observed events which could not be related to known physical processes and which ... must be related to the field of parapsychology" :-


article or book


Robert Lowie

"Supernormal experience." TOMORROW 4 (3).


" "

"Religion in human life." AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST vol. 65, pp. 532-42.



Challenge of Psychical Research. NY : Harper. (pp. 159-75)


John Swanton

Superstition – but Whose? Newton (MA).


George Devereux

Psychoanalysis and the Occult. NY : International U Pr.


" "



Geoffrey Gorer

Africa Dances. NY : A. A. Knopf.


" "

Himalayan Village. London : Michael Joseph.


A. Irving Hallowell

"Some empirical aspects of Northern Saulteaux Indians." AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST vol. 36, pp. 389-404.


" " "

The Role of Conjuring in Saulteaux Society. U of PA Pr.


Weston La Barre

The Peyote Cult. NY : Schocken.


p. 6 proofs of survival of the soul after death

"Gardiner Murphy (1961) ... has fairly well established by standard scientific procedures that here is one -– and he knows that he has ... "proved" it. ...

Manning’s ([The Link. NY : Ballantine,] 1974) examples of authenticated art work done by deceased individuals (Klee, Matisse, Beardsley, Goya, Du:rer, and Picasso) ... is ... "proof" for survival".


pp. 28-44 Jule Eisenbud : "Perspectives on Anthropology and Parapsychology."

pp. 28-31 comments by editor (Long)




"as indicated ... in the Medical Anthropology Newsletter, anthropologists have begun to take ... interest in ... observing paranormal effects within traditional ... medical systems."


"folk medicine" : "the actual findings when such cases are studied exhaustively is that folk systems may have greater empirical validity than does Western medicine (Erasmus [: Man Takes Control. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill,] 1961; Long [: "Psi and stress theory in medical anthropology." NEW DIMENSIONS 1 (8) : 1-2] 1974)."

defects of physical science





"It has repeatedly been shown that scientists pay far less attention to facts, in the development of their theoretic paradigms, than to their emotional, religious, metaphysical and even political convenience, ... and that if the price is right in these departments scientists will reject obvious truths while hobbling along with pretty strange notions of what is in the world (Brush 1974; Kuhn 1962; Merton 1973; Toulmin 1972). Thus the problem of science’s rejection of the primary data of parapsychology, despite the fact that these have their roots in common experience the world over and despite the latterly mounting evidence from workers within science itself, goes far deeper than mere theoretical dissonance."

S. G. Brush : "Should the history of science be X-rated?" SCIENCE 183 [1974], pp. 1164-72.

T. S. Kuhn : "The structure of scientific revolutions." Foundations of the Unity of Science, vol. 2, no. 2. U of Chicago Pr, 1962.

R. K. Merton : The Sociology of Science. U of Chicago Pr, 1973.

S. Toulmin : "Human understanding." The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts, Vol. 1, Pt. 1. Princeton U Pr, 1972.


"Freud was clearly off course ... in his much derogated foray into anthropology, Totem and Taboo (Freud 1913)."

S. Freud : Totem and Taboo. (reprinted in : Complete Psychological Works, vol. XIII)


"quantum mechanical ... theories ... appear ... as incomprehensible ... (the very ingredients formerly the province of the Deity) as the upside-down theory of probability it now forces into the still inscrutable role of Prime Mover. (One commentator, with rare ... insight, characterized the somewhat mysterious applicability of the theory of probability to natural events as "a kind of miracle, as esoteric ... as the resurrection of the dead" – Struik 1934.)"

D. Struik : "On the foundation of the theory of probabilities." PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE I [1934] (1).

p. 40 concluding remark by editor (Long)

"Eisenbud had already provided for a regular PK effect ..., in The World of Ted Serios (New York : Morrow, 1967)."


pp. 45-52 Margaret Mead : "An Anthropological Approach to Different Types of Communication."

comments by editor (Long)




"Margaret Mead has been intimately involved in the development of parapsychology ... as a proponent of the formal recognition by the American Association for the Advancement of Science of paranormal phenomena as legitimate subjects of scientific investigation. (This recognition was granted by the Association by vote in 1969.)"


"the very concept of culture is central to anthropology but far more ephemeral than psi. ... only a few persons have bothered to question ... that culture has more than a heuristic reality.

Hence, if our explaining some events as being contingent on the operation of psi provides a more suitable analytical tool ..., then we may be well advised to use it".


Joseph K. Long (ed.) : Extrasensory Ecology. The Scarecrow Pr, Metuchen (NJ), 1977. pp. 1-52.