"Paranormal dimensions in primitive medicine"
pp. 243-256 Joseph K. Long : "Verification of Psi in Ethnographic Fieldwork."
ethnographic psi
p. |
psi |
reference |
244 |
"Thomas Fraser (1963) outlines Thai beliefs in spiritualism, ... |
Thomas Fraser : "Malay spiritualistic belief in southern Thailand." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARAPSYCHOLOGY vol. 5 [1963], pp. 387-410. |
Sol Kimball states unequivocally that he observed ... a clear apparition three feet away on the street of a town in Ireland in the middle of the night (Kimball and Watson 1972 : 189-92)". |
S. T. Kimball and James T. Watson (eds.) : Crossing Cultural Boundaries. San Francisco : Chandler, 1972. |
246 |
"Jensen (1963 : 230), speaking of psychical healing and the use of psychical powers in shamanism, says that "there can be no doubt that man actually possesses such abilities," ...". |
A. E. Jensen : Myth and Cult among Primitive Peoples. U of Chicago Pr, 1963. |
247 |
"But it was not until recently with the publication of ... Kensinger’s (1973), Boshier’s (1974), and Harner’s (1968) work that we have seen any concerted efforts to participate in the paranormal world of field informants." "Moody (personal communication 1967) apparently observed the paranormal when studying satanists in California". |
K. Kensinger : "Banisteriopsis usage among the Peruvian Cashinahua." In :- M. Harner (ed.) : Hallucinogens and Shamanism. Oxford U Pr, 1973. A. Boshier : "African Apprenticeship." In :- A. Angoff & D. Barth (eds.) : Parapsychology and Anthropology. NY : Parapsychology Foundation, 1974. M. Harner : "The Sound of Rushing Water." NATURAL HISTORY, June, 1968. |
248 |
"Mishlove (1975 : 163-171) cites a number of cases in which psychic Uri Geller and others have been photographed during psychokinetic events and shows that frame-by-frame analysis of the motion-picture film clearly established the reality of the occurrences." "the Kirlian phenomenon is psychical, ... a form of psi within the framework of "consciousness psychology" (Moss 1974)." |
249 |
"psychic healers studied by Kirlian photography ... link with acupuncture (Worsley 1972)." |
J. Worsley : "Using the aura as a diagnostic aid." THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. October (pp. 47-59), 1972 |
"Van de Castle (1971) has described several relatively simple one-night experiments whereby precognitive as well as other QP types of activity may be tested". |
R. L. Van de Castle : The Psychology of Dreaming. Morristown (NJ) : General Learning Pr, 1971. |
251 |
"innumerable UFO cases in which several persons see the same anomalies ... when gross physical changes in terrain follows such sightings (Hynek 1972 : 150-51; Blum and Blum 1974 : 122-23)". |
J. A. Hynek : The UFO Experience. NY : Random House, 1972. R. Blum & J. Blum : Beyond Earth : Man’s Contact with UFOs. NY : Bantam, 1974. |
"My own 1970 files on field work in Jamaica document a case in which several hundred persons witnessed a coffin on three wheels propelling itself up a hill through a market area. Three live vultures were perched on it, and an apparently dead arm was dangling out. ... How many others faced equally confounding dilemmas in confronting inexplicable shaking tents among Salteaux Indians (... Landes 1968) or PK among Siberians (Eliade 1966)?" |
R. Landes : Ojibwa Religion and the Midewiwin. Madison : U of WI Pr, 1968. M. Eliade : Shamanism. NY : Pantheon, 1966. |
pp. 271-291 Robert W. Sussman & Linda K. Sussman : "Divination among the Sakalava of Madagascar."
sikidy-divination by ombiasa-diviner
p. |
sikidy |
274 |
"It is usually performed with the flat, oval, brown seeds of the Piptadenia chrysostachis, a species of acacia. ... The diviner ours out all of the seeds, about 140 of them ... He then places ... aramy over a small fire. This gives off a resinous odor when burned. ... the diviner tells the seeds to wake up and to speak the truth for they know what man cannot know, and he names the founders of sikidy or tells how it originated." |
275 |
"some diviners also address Zanahary {cf. [Spanish] /zanahoria/ ‘carrot’}, the Malagasy deity, and ask him to make the sikidy speak." |
287 |
mentioned by pe`re Luis Mariano : "divination ... with the seeds of the tamarind". |
p. 280 the 12 columns of the sikidy
# |
term |
signification |
as per Decary |
as per Linton |
1 |
tale’ |
client |
goods / wealth |
2 |
maly |
object / situation |
3 |
fahatelo |
thief |
brother |
4 |
bilady |
earth / ground |
5 |
lalana |
road / path |
6 |
sohota |
mother |
masters |
father |
7 |
saily |
conversation |
inhabitants |
reunion |
8 |
haja |
food |
9 |
fahasivy |
dead / ancestors |
10 |
ombiasa |
diviner |
11 |
haky |
god |
12 |
ankiba |
house |
p. 281 the 4 rows of the sikidy
# |
term |
signification |
as per Linton |
a |
fianaha |
son / child |
servant / slave |
b |
manabily |
quaestion /problem |
c |
alisay |
woman |
d |
fahavalo |
accident / enemy |
p. 273 sources
source |
reference |
southern Sakalava |
Sussman |
northern Sakalava |
R. Decary : La Divination malgache par le Sikidy. Paris : Paul Geuthner, 1970. |
Tanala |
R. Linton : The Tanala, a Hill-Tribe of Madagascar = FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, ANTHROPOLOGICAL SERIES, 22. 1933. |
Joseph K. Long (ed.) : Extrasensory Ecology. The Scarecrow Pr, Metuchen (NJ), 1977. pp. 243-291.