Julian Jaynes Collection, 7-16



Animate Motion in the 17th Century


p. 69 animate nature of self-moving objects

"The Aristotelian writings had made {auto}motion or activity the distinctive property of living things ... .

{Because their bodily motion is effected by mental and emotional states, which are of the nature of activities, this Aristotelian assertion may, indeed, be justified. [written 17 June 2017]}

Because they moved, the stars were thought by ... Kepler to be animated.

{This supposition may also be derived from the Homeric dictum (quoted in the Saturnalia of Makrobios) that, in dying, birds leave their souls amid the stars in the sky.}

... Gilbert ... became convinced that

magnets had souls because of their ability to move and to be moved.

{This could be reckoned true if souls are accounted to be force-fields.}

And Campanella ... was saying, that

the earth really moved, ... so sentient and alive".

{The Earth's motion (its revolution in orbit) is largely via its inertia (not involving energy), unlike true animals, which are able to move bodily through their biochemical conversions involving release of bound energies. But if sentience be attributed to force-fields, then the gravitational field controlling the Earth' orbit could justify an ascription to it of sentience.}

pp. 74-5 the principle of "action at a distance" may suggest the world's status as an animal

p. 74

"All moved by fixed principles of ... motion ... of action

{There is certainly a resemblance, in some manner, between a force-field's "action at a distance" and a emotion's quality of sentience's directly affecting a living body. [written 17 June 2017]}

p. 75

at a distance, for this was ... animism, and

of course ... Kepler ... took the world for an animal, a leviathan that roared in caverns and breathed in ocean tides."

p. 76 the soul (according to Descartes-and-other-occultists generally)

"the soul has its own laws, is not dependent on the brain, and has innate structuring and innate ideas prior to experience; the soul

{Inasmuch as the soul (along with mind and spirit) are in control of the mental functions filtered (as Aldous Huxley wrote) through the material brain, it is the brain that is largely dependent on the soul, and hardly-at-all contrariwise.}

that ... could ... at death ...rise ... to a heaven ... ."

{This post-mortem process can be verified, begining with a possibility, to that effect, raised by near-death experiences; and becoming a certainty when the scientific-experimentally verifiable experiences of "remote viewing" (classified as "top-secret" by covert intelligence-agencies of governments worldwide) and astral projection (enabled with henbane, wolfbane, etc) are taken into account.}

p. 79 mineral-remedies {which could have rescued Boring}

"the older Chemiatric School, with its chemical ... therapies ...,

{Chem-iatric remedies are generally minerals, deficiencies whereof in one's diet can occasion severe (even fatal) ailments.}

was nevertheless still flourishing in the haunted heritage of

that wondered, wandering cabalistic {read "qabbalistic", meaning 'traditionist'} drunk,

{It hath likewise been customary among Taoist practitioners of "internal alchemy" (mineral-remedies) to describe themselves as "wanderers" (meaning, 'visitors to transcendent realms during dreaming') and as "inebriates" -- figuratively (of course) only, signifying their being 'under the sway of divine love'.}


{This pseudonym ('as-if Celsus') is a reference to Kelsos, a certain early severe critic of the "Ophite Diagram", where the term /ophite/ would allude to the saying (EKI 3:14) "As Moses (Mos^eh) lifted up the ophis 'serpent' (nah.as^) [= Strong's 8314 /s`arap/] in the eremos 'wilderness' (midbar), even so must the Son-of-Man be lifted up".}

particularly in Germany and Holland ... .

Early in the seventeenth century, a new offshoot of the Chemiatrics appeared,

calling themselves Rosicrucians ... ."

{who affirm that Rene' Descartes, as a "secret chief" of theirs, is revered as being in the lineage of their grand masters}

EKI = Eu-angelion kata Ioannes 3:14 http://biblehub.com/john/3-14.htm

p. 79 the blasses

"Van Helmont (1557-1644) ... buried the causative part of the ... animate motion in spiritual occult agencies called "blasses," {Phonetically identical with \BLS\, name of the TL-MRJ (Aiguptian) cat-goddess.}

{"soul is added by van Helmont to ... soul. These two souls, joined in marital equality, conjugal unity ..., live together in the stomach, directing the organism in harmony." (M:CSM:"V1", p. 227)}

which were little else than the archei of Paracelsus ... ." {"Paracelsus endows each organ with ... the 'archeus'" (FMcK:"PK", p. 293).}

{"In the biological philosophy of Van Helmont, many further archei are visualised ... . These are immanent to the organs ... ." (PIPhM, p. 108)}

M:CSM:"V1" = C. S. Myers "Vitalism -- a brief Historical and Critical Review, Part 1". MIND : QUARTERLY REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY, new series, vol. 9 (1900), pp. 218-39. https://books.google.com/books?id=KijkAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA227&lpg=PA227&dq=

FMcK:"PK" = Francis McKee : "The Paracelsian Kitchen". In :- Ole Peter Grell (ed.) : Paracelsus : the Man and His Reputation ... . Brill, Leiden, 1998. pp. 293-308. https://books.google.com/books?id=_m1Mf52bK70C&pg=PA293&lpg=PA293&dq=

PIPhM = Walter Pagel : Paracelsus : an Introduction to Philosophical Medicine in the Era of the Renaissnce. 2nd, rev. edn. Karger, Basel, 1982. https://books.google.com/books?id=wO244WXEBKcC&pg=PA108&lpg=PA108&dq=

{Similar to the arkhaioi, declared by Jan Baptista van Helmont (1577-1644) to be immanent in the human bodily organs, are the spirits witnessed to indwell the human bodily organs by Taoist internal-alchemists.}

{As concerning van Helmont's description of the marital-conjugal union of the two souls in the stomach : in the system of Kun.d.alini Yoga, Man.i-pura Cakra (the nerve-plexus controlling the stomach) is ruled by fire-deity Agni; and "great god Flame's grandson ... shared a wife with the god Cry Power" (CM&S, p. 194, 18:25), in somewhat similar to the sharing by Ares (by way of secret adultery, though) with Hephaistos of the liason-wife Aphro-dite. As for this great god Flame (Yen Ti -- CM&S, p. 219), his descendants are (HChM, s.v. "Zhurong", p. 248) "the twelve months of the year", reminiscent of the "twelve communities" (GM 25:d) whereinto Attika was divided by Kekrops, who by his wife Aglauros the 1st was father of Aglauros the 2nd who (DCM, s.v. "Aglaurus 2", p. 27a) "was loved by Ares". In Theban legend, the daughter of Ares-and-Aphro-dite is (DCM, s.v. "Harmonia 1") HARMONIA, whose name may explain how (according to van Helmont) the "two souls" can be "directing the organism in harmony." In the standard Chinese occult cosmology, elemental fire is assigned to planet Mars = planet Puroeis, identified with Ares.}

CM&S = Anne Birrell (translatrix) : The Classic of Mountains and Seas. Penguin Classics, London, 1999.

HChM = Lihui Yang & Demng An : Handbook of Chinese Mythology. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara (CA), 2005.

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

DCM = Pierre Grimal (transl by Maxwell-Hyslop) : The Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Blackwell Publ, Oxford (England), 1986.

p. 81 imagery in functionings of the brain

"the ... fantastic work of Thomas Willis (1621-1666) ... was even more baroque that Descartes', complete with ventricles like halls of mirrors and windows, wih actual images projected on the white wall of the corpus callosum by the corpora striata. Images undulate about the brain, pushed hither and thither by hydraulics more fantastical than Descartes', and were stored in the folds of the cortex. The brain even produced its own light that shone out through the eyes in ancient ... fashion ... . ...

But Willis' importance resides ... in his two emphases. First, he carries through all his work the ... idea of ... response to stimuli. He even used the metaphor of an echo, and differs from Descartes in making the periphery ... the seat of ... the reflex. Second is his ... hierarchy in the nervous system. The cerebrum presides ove voluntary motion and is higher than the cerebellum presiding over invouluntary motion. Each has its own memory."



Origin of Consciousess


p. 86 as analogue

"Subjective conscious mind is an analog of what we call the real world."

p. 87 its features

"A theory of consciousness ... results in several features ... . These include :


spatialization, the quality of things thought on of {or rather, "as thought on as"} being spatially separated,

even time, where we have spread out a before and after into a spatial succession. {Do note that J.J. is here referring merely to temporal sequencing, and not to mensuration of temporal distancing; so that, by lacking any quantitative signification, the assertion is self-rendred as non-cogent. Objects mutually too close in space, and events mutually too close in time, may be mutually indistinguishable; while objects mutually too distant in space may bear utter uncertainty as to whether or not it can be determined what would be the direction in space for finding the shortest distance between them in space; and likewise events mutually too distant in time, may bear utter uncertainty as to what would be the direction in time for finding the shortest distance between them in time.}

{Furthermore, this definition by J.J. could have several possible significations : it could mean either simply (1) "becoming, or having become, separated to a certain distance mutual apart"; or it could mean (2) "spatially diagrammed as "becoming, or having become, separated to a certain distance mutual apart"; or it could mean a non-cogent (3) "misconstrued as becoming, or having become, separated to a certain distance mutual apart, although not actually having done so".}


excerption, where

we "see" only single aspects or parts of a thing {or event or process} in consciousness at any one time ...; {Or else, we may perceive nothing of it; or we may perceive the whole of it in insufficient detail; or we may perceive it in such excessive detail as for it to be noisome or cloying.}

{In many cases, this may be due to our inability to discover enough of the whole of some organization or process to be able to arrive at any cohaerent understanding of it; and this lack of our understanding of this fact may cause us erroneously to suppose that the organization or process is itself lacking in cohaerence, we not realizing that we are merely excerpting from it insignificantly.}


conciliation, where we reconcile disparate things {or events or processes} ... into a recognizable unity ...;

{There may aequally well be disconciliation, where we begin to perceive viable distinctions in interests, in values, in purposes, in motivations; noticing that such differences deserve firmer recognition.}


the analog 'I,' ... which can {by being visualized doing so, whether seeing from the imagined self's perspective or not} ... "doing" things ...;

{There may aequally well be multiple analogue-oneselves, where multiple forms of oneself may be contemplated performing multiple tasks simultaneously. There are likewise aequally possible analogue-others, whom we contemplate performing activities whether related, or not related, to ourselves or to our doings.}


the metaphor 'me,' or ourselves as objects;

{This, however, would not strictly be a metaphor unless described in mere words, instead of being vividly visualized : when proprely visualized, it would be, instead, an analogue-me.}


narratization, how our analog "I's are always "seeing" our

"metaphor 'me's' ... in the ongoing spatialized stories of our lives."

{Mere "metaphor" and vague "stories" are but feeble substitutes for vigorously wordless (for unspeakable glories) perceived in illuminative visualization.}

p. 88 as analogues

"conscious mind is a spatial analog of the world, and

mental acts are analogs of bodily acts, and

it is all generated by metaphor on the basis of language.

{This assertion is true only as a grammatical-commentation hypertext : viz, the "all" is the grammatical structure of the foregoing two clauses ("conscious ... acts"), and the litterally 'metaphor'-signifier terms are the words "analog" and "analogs".}

{J. J. here is performing his usual act of initially describing his clause-constructions in two varieties of grammatical terms (the 1st part as syntax-description, and the 2nd part as signification-description), and of latterly applying the semantic trick of adroitly shifting from grammatical description to metaphysical description (involving treating language as a metaphysical structure). This semantic trick is a variety of logical fallacy based on tacitly shifting through meta-levels of hypertext. [written 18 June 2017]}



Evolution of Language in Pleistokaine


pp. 92-3 disadvantages of language

p. 92

"sudden ability to communicate would be disastrous."

p. 93

"the genetically based spacing systems would be altered ... . Too much communication is a bad thing."

pp. 94-5 cerebral areas for language

p. 94

"the three cortical areas involved in language, the supplementary motor cortex and Broca's area in the frontal lobe, and Wernicke's area around the fissure of Sylvius where the

p. 95

frontal lobe joins the parietal{,} are in a probabilistic way present in all contemporary speakers".



In a Manner of Speaking


p. 112 consciousness through quantum mechanics

"Even today, contemporary physicists such as John Wheeler and Eugene Wigner are ... proclaiming that consciousness has to be brought into force in the universe because of certain astonishing findings in quantum mechanics."



Palaiolithic Cave Paintings


p. 118 duration of period of making of Upper Palaiolithic cave-paintings in Western Europe

"It is ... plausible to think of all of the painitngs and engravings in thse one hundred caves as being done over only a few decades by onlya few Cro-Magnon persons".



Remembrance of Things (Far) Past


p. 119 strange?!

"How strange ... that we impute remembering the past to animals when they simply know their names or mealtimes, ... or to ourselves when we simply know a telephone number or a path home[ward] through the wood."

{This is, however, the usual sort of use of the word 'memory' in any language; nor doth J.J. consider it so awkward as to propose a different name for it.}



Art and the Right Hemisphaire


p. 123 distinction as to artistic vs. linguistic abilities, in cerebrum-hemisphaires

"there is an almost instantaneous transfer of information across the interconnections between the two hemispheres in doing anything with either hand.

It is, however, a very different matter when these interconnections between the two hemispheres are surgically cut, as they are in some patients as a cure for epilepsy. ... But if we ask such a commissurotomized person to draw with either the right or left hand, we immediately see in which hemisphere the artistic abilities of the person originally were. ... .

... his left hand guided by the right can copy ..., although ... somewhat mysteriously since it is the mirror-image.

But the right hand, guided by the left or speech hemisphere, while it can still write perfectly well, cannot draw the object at all. ...

It is interesting to conjecture in what sense we can say that the left hemisphere ... really sees the world that is being depicted in representational art."

{Conjecture here is unneeded, and useless. It hath long-since been established that eyesight is directed communicated to optic lobes in the rear of the cerebrum by way of the optic nerves, which remained (even in the "commissurotomized person") uncut : therefore the actual viewing of the world by eyesight is as clear and as definite as is possible, with only the artistic abilities separate by hemisphaire. It could, however, be said that in each normal person there is a double awareness, which double awareness is normally blended into a single awareness.}

{Such blends of awarenesses are also occurring during ongoing thought-transfer via telepathy, and even to some extent in ordinary communication. The nature of conscious can be understood, through such that examples, always to be (and evidently so), to whatever extent it is at all feasible to demonstrate, fundamentally unitary across the expansive extent of all living -- and even non-living -- beings. [written 19 June 2017]}

p. 125 perception of others' faces via each of one's hemisphares, with any language-based description being based on the perception in the language-based hemisphere

"Most right-handers choose as happiest the right face with the smile in the left visual field -- and therefore in the right hemisphere --

which preempts the other side in making an overall judgement."

{This is true only of a choice expressed in language, whether spoken or written. If, however, the choice is expressed by drawing, then it would in the reverse hemisphaire (because prae-empted by that hemisphaire instead).}

p. 125 the most excellent and intuitive of artists have always been left-handed, and therefore tend to have a praedilection for scrupulously etching their printing-plates in mirror-image

"others, like Du:rer and Van Gogh, were scrupulous in etching originals in their mirror[-]image."

{It may well have been Van Gogh's frustration in not being able to express his pleasure in being allowed to make etchings in mirror-image, that incited him to amputate his ears as a signal signifying this.}

p. 126 musicians need music-functions in both cerebral hemisphaires

"In [regard to] music, we know that most of us appreciate music and remember it on the right hemisphere.

But musicians and composers have music on both hemispheres due to their training."



Imagination and the Dance of the Self


p. 128 chimpanzees & mirrors

"Chimpanzees love mirrors. They look at themselves ... in the mirror ... ."

p. 128 the self {intended here as locus of viewpoint whence the world is viewed} is distinct from the body {meaning a cohaerent sensed-and-sensory form fastened to that viewpoint}

"When you look in the mirror, you know that what you see is not

your real self --

{viz., soul}

that is your bodily self. And that is the first distinction ... ."

p. 140 alleged evidence, from portrait-paintings, of "lack of a clear concept of an individual self."

"in the twelfth century there are still examples lack of a clear concept of an individual self.

{Excellently realistic portrait-paintings had been in existence in the Roman Empire more than a millennium earlier, but Christianity had suppressed all realism in art. Julian Jaynes irresponsible comments are thoroughly absurd, as usual.}

For example, there is Herrad of Landsberg (c. 1130-1195), abbess of Hohenburg ... there are drawings of all her nuns ..., but every one of them looks nearly identical."

{More than a millennium earlier, (W:"FMP -- PT") "The Fayum portraits reveal ... painterly expertise and skill in presenting a lifelike appearance." These paintings, which (AKH:"FMP") "appear to capture personality as well as mere appearance ..., ...are naturalistic, indeed in important respects modernist in style," had been excavated by European archaiologists in 1887, 1892, and 1910-1911.}

W:"FMP -- PT" = WIKIPEDIA, article "Fayum Mummy Portraits -- Painting Techniques". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fayum_mummy_portraits#Painting_techniques

AKH:"FMP" = All Kinds of History "The Fayum Mummy Portraits". https://mikedashhistory.com/2014/12/16/the-fayum-mummy-portraits/

p. 140 not jibe with what?

"Augustine (354-430) ... wrote ... his Confessions ... . ... He confesses that he has committed fornication, lying, sodomy, and poetry -- it that order. ... It doesnot quite jibe with us, even though

{That is the standard Christian list of major sins required, in that declining order of importance, to be confessed during the Sacrament of the Confessional. It doth not "jibe" with "us", because "we" (apparently including Julian Jaynes himself) are not Christians.}

Augustine was a marvelous, wonderful person."

{Augustinus invented the docrine that human nature is "sinful" (as againt the teaching by Pelagius, who agreed with Meng-tse/Mencius that it is good), thereby encouraging the Church and the Roman imperial government to commence maltreating the supposedly intrinsically "sinful" general public, which doctrine eventually converted itself into the racism responsible for modern pogroms and genocides. What is so very "marvelous, wonderful" about all that?}

p. 140 "steps to confession"

"Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) ... writes on the seven steps to confession. And the first step to confession is "Know thyself." That Greek saying ... found way back in Solon."

[p. 140, fn. 4 "For more on this subject see John F. Benton, "Consciousness of Self and Perceptions of Individuality," in Robert L. Benton, Giles Constable, and Carole D. Lanham (eds.), Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century (Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1982), from which Jaynes draws these examples. -- Ed."]

pp. 141-2 rid of selfhood/selfishness

p. 141

"Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1922) ... says that "the self is the mammon of literature" -- by which he

p. 142

means that we have

to get rid of the self

{to be rid of selfish greed for money (greed for money being promoted by that worst of oikonomic systems, namely capitalism)}

in order to get pure inspiration."

{viz., in order to achieve conformity with divinely-inspired heavenly idealism (namely, communism, otherwise known as "communion of the saints")}



Repraesentations as Metaphiers


p. 144 two of J.J.'s neologisms

"In ... metaphors, the thing to be understood is what

I have called a metaphrand,

{Because \meta-phor\ is Hellenic, but \-and\ a Latin grammatical suffix, the combination is not felicitous, for it is a macaronic form.}

and that more familiar thing to which it is compared, the


{The final \-or\ cannot be apocopated;so this ought to be \metaphor-iz-er\ or the like.}



Two-Tiered Theory of Emotions


pp. 147-8 animals' emotions

p. 147

"A list of mammalian emotions or affects ... could start off ... with ... the various affectional systems and then end up ... with those behaviors that are less commonly called

{It is most curious, and is a sign of his defective power of reasoning, that (unlike Antonio Damasio) Julian Jaynes remaineth dogmatically intransigent in refusing to admit that admitted praesence of emotion could be any possible sign of consciousness in animals. Instead, he doctrinarely dubbeth emotion in animals as an aspect of mechanical, supposedly non-conscious, "stimulus-and-response".}

p. 148

emotional because of their lesser intensity, such as ... curiosity."


Marcel Kuijsten : The Julian Jaynes Collection. Julian Jaynes Society, Henderson (NV), 2012.
