Reflections on the Dawn of Consciousness






Julian Jaynes : His Life and Thought

William R. Woodward & June F. Tower



Ghost of a Flea

Julian Jaynes



Verbal ... Praeconscious Mentality

Julian Jaynes



Consciousness ... and the Bicameral Mind

Marcel Kuijsten



Auditory Hallucinations in Nonverbal ...

John Hamilton



Language and Consciousness

John Limber



The Self as Interiorized Social Relations

Brian J. McVeigh



A Knowing Noos and a Slippery Psyche

Scott Greer



The Oracles and Their Cessation

David C. Stove



The Meaning of King Tut

Julian Jaynes



Greek Zombies

Jan Sleutels



Dragons of the S^ang Dynasty

Julian Jaynes



The S^i 'Corpse/Personator' Caerimony

Michael Carr


{N.B. The authors' (including Jaynes's) terminology is rather defective : the verb /hallucinate/ [from Classical Latin /alucinor/ 'I wander in mind' -- used, according to grammarian Nonius Marcellus 121:20, "even by the old writers (veteres)" --; is apparently borrowed from Classical Hellenic \aluo\ 'I am distraught, perplexed, fretful, beside myself' and/or \alusso\ 'I am uneasy, restless'] (L&Sh:LD, s.vv. \hallucin-\, \allucin-\, and \alucin\; and L&S:G-EL, s.vv. \aluo\ and \alusso\) litterally would imply a state-of-mind quite at variance from the joy-accompanied deliberate focal attention necessary to attain the finely disciplined effort culminating in communication in a refined manner with transcendent entities (called dingir/theoi/dei) abiding in subtle planes-of-existence.}

L&Sh:LD = Lewis & Short : A Latin Dictionary. Oxford (England) : Clarendon Pr, 1879.

L&S:G-EL = Liddell & Scott : A Greek-English Lexicon.

\aluo\, i.e., "LSJ a)lu/w"

\alusso\, i.e., "LSJ a)lu/ssw"

{At the outset of any discussion of Julian Jaynes's illogicalities, one particularly vitiating absurdity ought to be noted : he is claiming that deities used to give peremptory commands to humans, who used to obey such commands unquaestioningly -- and that while was all taking place, humans were remaining blissfully "unconscious".

He would seem to have neglected to realize that an unconscious person is not capable of hearing commands, and even much less capable of obeying them. (Military orders are not issued to dead soldiers, nor to sleeping soldiers.)

Now, there is indeed such a process as diabolic "possession" : but it is a temporary affair, which is commenced in a particular manner (by the prospective possessee's applying for admission to a witchcraft coven, and following a peculiar rite after having been admitted) and capable of being terminated in a particular manner (by the possessee's undergoing being exorcized by certified ritual exorcists). But Julian Jaynes apparently did not intend this;

nor did he seem even to be aware of the well-known phainomenon of "sleep-paralysis" -- or at least, he never mentioned it by name; and, whereas sleep-paralysis is mainly a modern-day phainomenon, he claimed that what he was describing had altogether vanished from the planet millennia ago.

It is most curious that none of the contributors to such a volume of articles as this were all also quite unaware of sleep-paralysis, although the author (Louis Proud) of the widely-read book Dark Intrusions (on sleep-paralysis) took care therewithin to mention Julian Jaynes's speculations. [written 6 June 2017]}

{Another gross error on the part of Julian Jaynes is his insistence of isolation of the two hemisphaires of the cerebrum along an alleged anatomic dichotomy between on the one hand

(1) the divine awarenesses based on events in the subtle universes (also known as suble planes-of-existence), and on the other hand

(2) a mortal's awareness based on observed events the material universe.

However (and not-at-all in conformity with Jaynes's conjecture), actual catscans (revealing which lobes of the cerebrum are employed in which mental activities) indicate cerebral hemisphere-differences based instead on

such distinction as musical mental quality and linguistic mental quality.

Therefore, because both music and language are employed, both in understanding and in dealing with, the material world; and likewise both music and language are employed, both in understanding and dealing with, the subtle worlds (beyond the material plane) -- music (both vocal and instrumental, both simultaneously and in alternation) being frequently employed (both in traditional religions in Taoist China and in Vodunist West Africa, and likewise in modern developments such as U-mbanda religion in Brazil) to attract and to retain the praesence of medium-possessing divinities, and language being used by clients to ask quaestions of the divinity who is temporarily occupying the body of the mortal medium-for-spirits -- it is entirely evident and clear that Julian Jaynes gravely erred in conjecturing that there is any distinction between cerebral hemisphaeres based on any distinction among planes-of-existence.

His fanatically dogmatic adhaerents, however, do continue to echo this long-since-disproven conjecture of his, in irrational defiance against all experimenal laboratory-evidence known to modern medicine in university-settings and elsewhere -- such irrational anti-scientific defiance being abundantly evidenced in this book (written by an ignorant and ill-informed lot of amateurs as could be rounded up to testify on behalf of such a long-since-thoroughly-disproven hypothesis of mishmash-guesswork). [written 7 June 2017]}


Capitula 1-3.



Julian Jaynes : His Life and Thought

William R. Woodward & June F. Tower


p. 14 his maternal grandparents

"This maternal grandfather, George Bullard, grew up ... southwest of Boston where Sunday mornings were spent at the Congregational Church ... . ...

His maternal grandmother, Nina Jenks, came from a more liberal family of Universalists ... ."

p. 15 his parents

"Julian's father, the Rev. Julian Clifford Jaynes, at 66 years old, had been minister of the First Unitarian Society of Newton for 35 years when Julian was born.

Clara Bullard ..., 30 years younger, was the Rev. Jaynes's second wife, a cultured woman with ... musical interests who played the bells in the church ... ."

p. 15 his parents' deaths

"the Rev. Jaynes died ... in June 1922, while the family was aboard a train ferry en route to Prince Edward Island, Canada ... . ...

Eventually Clara ... died in Charlottetown in 1980 in her 96th year."

pp. 16-17 Unitarianism; with a sample from one of the Rev. Jaynes's sermons

p. 16

"the Rev. Jaynes's study contained 48 volumes of his sermons that his son Julian delved into for many years. ... In 1922, the newly widowed Clara ... published ... a book of his sermons selected from the volumes in his study that she titled Magic Wells."

p. 17

"Unitarians worship the god within us all and in nature

{There is a similar worhip in the Religious Society of Friends.}

{This universal divine praesence is designated "brahman" in Bharata-vars.a.}

in their churchs called "societies." {alternatively known as "fellowships"}

Membres of the Religious Society of Friends designate their local groups simply "meetings".}

[quotation from a sermon by the Rev. Jaynes (1922, pp. 16-17) :] "On and on we go -- ... an ever increasing capacity -- wider visions, stronger powers, tenderer sympathies, better knowledge of ourselves, better knowledge of what life means ..., and moments of spiritual exaltation, moments of divine peace ... ."

Jaynes 1922 = Julian Clifford Jaynes : Magic Wells : Sermons by Julian Clifford Jaynes. Boston.

p. 19 in undergraduate-college and in graduate-college

"he left for Montreal ... A scholarship to McGill University ... . ... He grew particularly fond of Professor George Brett at McGill. From he he adopted ... Brett's History of Psychology ... rooted in ... Tripartite souls, rationalism, and empirical psychology ... circled around the problem of consciousness. ... He graduated in the spring of 1941 with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

Next he enrolled in graduate school in psychology at the University of Toronto ... ."

pp. 20-2, 24 in work-camp for Civilian Service; and, as inmate, in Penitentiary; his siblings

p. 20

"In the summer of 1942, ... Jaynes registered for the [U.S. military] draft and received his conscientious objector status. ... He was sent to a Civilian Service work camp near Thornton, New Hampshire. ...

p. 21

He ... walked away from the camp and was soon arrested. ... At his trial in New Hampshire the judge ... sentenced him to four years at the U.S. Penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, a medium security facility

p. 22

that housed many other conscientious objectors among its population."

"His sister Helen, 18 months older than Julian, had attended Smith College but left before graduating. ... Later she would marry but soon divorce ... and she died at 52 in the fall of 1970.

Robert, his younger brother, ... was drafted into the Army as a non-combatant and spent most of his wartime service as an aerial photographer. After the war he returned to college ..., graduated in 1947, attended ... Yale, where he received a master's degree in sociology in 1950. He married, worked ... as a crytographer for five years, and finally ... moved to ... a new career working with handicapped people as a counselor and head of the Keene district office of vocational rehabilitation. ... His death came three months before Julians in 1997.

Jayne's mother ... now ran her large home as an inn where she and her small staff could house several guests ... ."

p. 23

"Jaynes considered himself fortunate to be assigned to work in the prison hospital ... . In his free time he happily volunteered to help in the Potestant chapel ... playing the organ ... for Sunday services. ...

p. 24

On May 30, 1946, he was discharged from Lewisburg, a year in advance of his sentence, "based on commutation for good conduct.""

pp. 24-5 graduate-college, including degrees therefrom

p. 24

"At 26, he would enroll next in psychology at Yale University ... . ... He was mentored ultimately by Frank Beach and, in the spring of 1949, completed a dissertation

p. 25

on the maternal behavior of animals of different species. ...

Jaynes's master's degree was awarded by Yale in the spring of 1948 and he was scheduled to receive his Ph.D. in the following year; however Jaynes did not actually receive his Ph.D. in 1949. ... In matters of educational credentials, a principle was at stake. ... The principle that institutions can corrupt independent thought, be it the military or the university, resonated deep in his Unitarian character."

pp. 26-7 as playwright; his publications in zoology

p. 26

"In October 1949, he settled in Salisbury, England, where he performed and wrote theater pieces through 1953. He wrote for an English audience, submitting his scripts to stage companies."

p. 27

"Jaynes returned to Yale from 1954 to 1960 as an Instructor and Lecturer. He pubished ..., first his dissertation on the effects of early experience in animals, then three studies on maternal retrieving in rats, and three more on neural mediation of mating in male cats."

"once more, he left by ship for England, arriving in Southampton ... . Again he lived in Salisbury for a three year interlude, during which he kept budy acting and writing plays."

p. 28 as research-assistant

"In 1964, ... a former graduate student friend at Yale, arranged a research associate position and work space at Princeton University, which became Jaynes's academic home for the next three decades."

p. 30 history of comparative psychology

"Jaynes did indeed begin to write a history of comparative psychology ... . ... The chapter drafts ... include : ...

The Aristotelian Corpus

Roman Compilers : Pliny, Seneca, Origen, Galen

Medievalism : Arabian Comparative Psychology, Man in Nature, Bestiaries and the Norman Renaissance".

p. 35 Cheiron Society

"At Princeton in early summer 1969, Jaynes, as one of the founders, hosted the first meeting of the International Society for the History of the Behavioral Sciences, soon to be called the Cheiron Society. ... Jaynes agreed with the other founders that the organization ... should include the social as well as the behavioral sciences."

p. 36 language prior to consciousness??

[quoted from Book 2 of The Origin of Consciousness] "it is impossible that the conscious mind could have been invented {"invention" of consciousness! an absurd fantasy.} without language {really? Meditators put themselves into wordless trances in order to intensify their own consciousness, not to obliterate it!} ... . If so {if and only if?}, conscious mentality must have occurred after language had developed to an advanced degree ... ."

{A priori prae-existent, it need not be "invented"; nor is language, in any way, so much as pertinent. Consciousness is synonymous with sensation-and-perception, which are in no way dependent on existence of a language. Language, in fact, must severely limit, and interfere with, consciousness! Language is a form of enslavement-of-the-mind.}

{Language could be perhaps found divorced from consciousness only in computers; and, at that, only to the extent that they be regarded as non-conscious. Alternatively, in could be regarded that there is a consciousness associated with any "gremlin" (or whatever) residing in or at a computer.}

p. 40 large-eyed idols

"His "theory of idols" brought to bear the evidence of eyes in statues, the eye indexwhereby the ratio of eye to head is close to 20 percent ... . He found large eyes in idols, for example, in Iran and Mesopotamia, in Egyt, in Tlatilco near Mexico City, and in the Incas of South America ... .

Citing the importance of eye-to-eye contact ..., Jaynes [1976, pp. 169-73] interpreted the large eyes as evidence that idols, viewed as gods, were a source ... in preliterate ... societies."

{"In the majority of alien encounters, the contactee characterizes the aliens ... as ... with faces dominated by extremely large eyes" (RASB, p. 66).} {"The secondary group was composed of beings who were small, with frail bodies, ... and enormous eyes" (RASB, p. 126).}

RASB = Brad Steiger & Sherry Hansen Steiger : Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. Visible Ink Pr, Canton (MI), 2011.

{Nowhere at all on earth have idols ever (despite slanderous accusations of such by praevaricating Christian ministers) been "viewed as gods"; but, instead, as accurate depictions of actual deities (who have often been seen in real life by mortal eye-witnesses, both in dreams during sleep and in waking visions), and have been depicted as idols in order to flatter them and to earn their approbation and blessings, and also (most especially) thus to attract their future praesence (whether in dreams or in visions) for the sake of ongoing protection and prosperity.}

pp. 42-3 belated reception of the degree of Philosophiae Doctor

p. 42

"amid the prepublication activity of 1976 ... Friends had prevailed upon Yale to grant his Ph.D. Other friends urged Jaynes to accept it. As requested, he submitted his four published papers titled "Imprinting : The Interaction of Learned and Innate Behavior" with the unpublished final study "V. On the Essential Nature of the Stimulus Object." Jaynes returned to Yale for commencement

p. 43

in the spring of 1977 and graciously accepted in Ph.D."

p. 43 articles concerning Julian Jaynes published during 1977-1978 in popular magazines

"Articles about Jaynes as well as his book began to appear.

On March 14, 1977, John Leo's article "The Lost Voices of the Gods" appeared in Time magazine.

Later in the year Sam keen wrote an article by the same name for Psychology Today and

for Quest Richard Rhodes wrote, "Alone in the Country of the Mind : The Origin of Julian Jaynes" in early 1978."

pp. 48-9 "Remembrance of Things"

p. 48

"I believe that conscious memory only began around 1000 B.C. ...

{Neither humans nor animals could be able to function at all in ordinary daily life in the absence of memory. Memory is constantly in use by every human and by every animal : to find one's way home, to recognize one's companions, to know how to perform familiar tasks, etc etc. It has been demonstrated that even an amoeba and a slime-mold is able to make use of its memory.} {Jaynes's hypothesis is, in effect, a moderate variety of solipsism (regarding everyone other than one's self as unconscious).}

p. 49

Before that time men moved about ... with ... an unconscious ... mind ... . There was no conscious remembering then."

{Evidently, Jaynes is fantasying that animals are unconscious robots, and then arbitrary projecting this fantasy of his into any which arbitrary human past, surmising that humans ceased only quite recently in history from being totally mindless robots. (What about modern-day Tasmanians, whose food gathering technique is by far more primitive than that of Neanderthals -- by hundreds of millennia, in fact -- are they all "unconscious", despite every indication to the contrary? Most praesent-day African are subsisting with a technology most by far more primitive that that in Europe 3000 years ago or even many millennia earlier. Jaynes's irresponsible prattle is very much accommodating to European colonialists of the type who would very much like to exterminate indigenous populations worldwide. In fact, it of the appearance as though it were deliberately written at their behest.)}

pp. 49-50 by Jaynes mode of reasoning concerning animals, one could, by extending it to humans, easily enough deduce that no human being other than one's own self is conscious -- and that, therefore, all other humans are legitimate prey to be slain at one's own whim.}

p. 49

"In a commentary from 1978 on three papers by animal psychologists Donald Griffith, David Premack, and Sue Savage-

p. 50

Rumbaugh, Jaynes complains : ... all three papers ... say that because animal behavior can be made to simulate aspects of human behavior, therefore such animals are similar {in their mental functioning} to human conscious functioning."

{There is another method for confirming the consciousness of animals (or of humans, for that matter) : it is by using telepathy, whereby one can feel the emotions and the sentiments of any animal (or of any human).}

{The only two reasons why we do not constant hear of employment of telepathy to confirm the consciousness of all living beings are : (1) it is a top-secret technique made use of by covert governmental agencies themselves, and (2) it would tend to eliminate all mistrust, dislikings, and hatreds from this world -- and therefore is in conflict against capitalist-inspired plots to increase mistrust, dislikings, and hatreds so as to divide the totality of the working class against itself, lest by working-class unity, all trillionaire ploutokrat-families' wealth be seized by the working class for the benefit of all living beings. [written 13 June 2017]}

pp. 51-2 evolution of the species

p. 51

"th origin of the earth as an orb from which grew plants and animals that came onto land and became men. This was the Anaximandrean theory of evolution,

p. 52

passed through Lucretius ... to Lamarck and Erasmus Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin."

pp. 53-6 books recommended by Julian Jaynes to his students

p. 53

"recommended readings included ...

E. R. Dodds's Greeks and the Irrational, ...

p. 54

Starr's book on The Awakening of the Greek Historical Spirit ...

J. T. Fraser's The Voices of Time ...

Frances Yates's The Art of Memory ...

John Lyon's ... The Invention of Self ...

p. 55

Erich Kahler's The Inward Turn of Narrative ...

Donald Meichenbaum, Cognitive Behavior Modification ...

Arthur Applebee, The Child's Concept of Story ...

Lucien Levy-Bruhl, Primitive Mentality ...


Edward Evans-Pritchard's, Theories of Primitive Religion ...

p. 56

Paul Heelas and Andrew Lock, Indigenous Psychologies ... of the Self ...

Maurice Leenhardt, Do Kamo : Person and Myth in the Melanesian World."

p. 58 his typically fallacious method of surmising about an epoch wherefrom adequate records do not survive

"Julian hastened to point out that " ... if you go to the Greek world that begins around 700 B.C., ... There were brothels at this time.

{From prior to 700 B.C., adequate litterary records do not survive in Hellas; indeed, that interlude (namely, betwixt the demise therein of Minoan Linear B, and the adoption of a Phoinikian-based alphabet) would appear to have been devoid of litteracy. So, there may well have been brothels throughout Hellas in that epoch.}

It happens in the Etruscans, You find these very gross sexual scenes. So I am saying that sex is a very different thing than it was before.""

{Jaynes is referring here to artwork (paintings) found by modern archaiologists in tomb-chambers. However, there seem to have been no tomb-chambers constructed in Etruria prior to this date; so that there may well have been erotic art throughout Italia during praevious centuries, but, because it was not protected (by any virtue of being made-and-kept underground), it hath perished.}

p. 61 death {= a saintly entry in Heavenly Holies, if the ecclesiastical kalendar be relevant}

"Julian Jaynes died in Charlottetown on

November 21, {November, as the 11th month, could allude to a gambler's lucky "come 7, come 11".}

{The 21st day of November is commemorated as the event of entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Holy-of-Holies : ("EMHMGT") "just as they placed Her on the first step, strengthened by the power of God, She quickly went up the remaining steps and ascended to the highest one." [The "remaining steps" were 14 in number.]}

1997 at the age of 77."

{This ought to be accounted as fortunate, for "77" is reckoned to be a "lucky number". Note also that 1997 could repraesent the single # 7; that 7 + 7 = 14, the # of steps ascended by Her under Divine Power; and that 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, the # of the day.}

"EMHMGT" = "Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple".



Ghost of a Flea [Visions Experienced by poe:t-and-engraver William Blake]

Julian Jaynes


p. 71 "WILLIAM BLAKE ... interrupted ... by exclaiming, "... Here's Edward III ... . He now turns his pale face towards me. ..."

At another time he ... rebuked ..., "But I see him ..., there he is, his name is Lot -- you may read of him in the Scripture. ..."

The ... most celebrated instance was described by his friend Varley : "He told me he had seen a wonderful thing -- the ghost of a flea! ..." {This "flea"-theme was afterwards developed in "The Autobiography of a Flea ... an ... erotic novel first published in 1887 in London by Edward Avery. Later research has revealed that the author was a London lawyer of the time named Stanislas de Rhodes." (WIKIPEDIA article "Autobiography of a Flea". Complete text of this book at and also at}

p. 72 "Such invisible sitters talked to Blake ..., explaining their lives. These included Voltaire, various angels, Moses, Caesar, Milton ... ." {Thus William Blake was an adept in spirit-mediumship a full century before it became popularized in Europe (mainly in France) and in the United States (largely in Ohio) via the writings of "Allen Kardec" (pseudonym of Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail).}

p. 73 "to travel through the ... intersection of Urizen (Reason {phonetically, perhaps /OOH! RISEN/, addressing the tumescent genitalia?}) and Luvah (Passion {phonetically, Erotic /LOVE/-making}) through the ... space of all mental contraries ..., until all the "Contrarities" become "Positives," and one sees the world ... from within, concavely ... . This is the place of Urthona {/UReTHra/, whereinto a dildo is inserted for female masturbation}, of the cleansed doors {twain valves of double-door = the twain nymphae of the vulva} of perception ... ."



Verbal ... Praeconscious Mentality

Julian Jaynes


p. 76 "self-contradictory"??

[quoting a woman-patient :] "At first there were only angels. These would tell me ... . ... But then sometimes diabolical voices appeared and would say things like ... . ..."

{N.B. These two different parties (angels and devils) naturally had different duties : the angels to commend her for her pious thoughts-and-actions, whereas devils to reprimand her for her impious thoughts-and-actions -- the two parties are truly not at variance, but are complementary, both intending to promote piety.}

[comment by Julian Jaynes, and typical of him :] "The suddenness of onset, the deeply religious nature of the experience,

the self-contradictory {perhaps "contradictory", but indeed not "self-contradictory"} nature of the messages, ...

{In the instance referred to here by J.J., there is no actual "self-contradictory" set of allegations; for, a "self-contradiction" would needs be a single party's stating statements at variance with one another : whereas, here, there are two distinct and different parties who are making statements such that the statement by the party of the 1st part ("angels") is at variance with the statement by the party of the 2nd part ("devils").}

are I think {J.J. is being hypocritical here : he could not have actually thought (as if he were even capable of an honest thought) that any conflict between two different parties could (rationally) be classified as a "self-contradiction"} very familiar ... ." {The one factor which is "very familiar" is J.J.'s dishonest hypocrisy.}

pp. 77-8 praeternatural entities who, for the benefit of their own mortal client, read other persons' minds and who warn against hypocrites {Such beneficial praeternatural entities are usually described as their mortal client's "spirit-guides".}

p. 77

{quoting a "Hispanic" woman} "the thinking thoughts ... are ... explaining some information to me. They usually come from behind me ... . ...

{Anyone Hispanic is likely to have received, directly or via intermediaries, an empowerment granted by the U-mbanda to have spirit-guides perpetually praesent in order to assist with helpful personal advice. Because such spirit-guides are one's spiritual protective "back-up", they are said to be "behind" one's spiritual efforts. [But the intolerant Christians designate them as "devils", whence the saying (Eu-angelion kata Loukas 4:8) "Get Thee behind me, S`!"]}

p. 78

They tell me about other people, before I even meet them. ...

{It is a duty of a certain sort of spirit-guide to read, for their mortal client, the minds of other persons.}

But now their talking about you and listening. They won't let me tell you what they're saying."

{The "you" mentioned is Jaynes's "student" (supra, p. 75). The spirit-guides are most likely warning about the deceitful hypocrisy inhaerent in the characters of Julian Jaynes and of any of subordinate of his -- if so, small wondre that they ask her (their client) not to confide such information to J.J.'s "student".}

Loukas 4

pp. 86-7 proofs of divine grace : instances of mortals who have received verbal (auditory or visual) communications from divine entities abiding in divine worlds

p. 86

"shipwrecked sailors during the war who conversed with an audible God for hours in the water until they were saved.

A woman ... heard a voice ... telling her to write [the oration required to be spoken] at her funeral, and when she got out paper and pen "the words poured visually into my head {mind = mind's eye}." {This would praesumably mean that she saw the written words when she had her eyen closed.} ... .

... a deeply religious man who one summer, following an interest in spiritualism, heard at least 20 divine voice extremely similar to

the voices heard by Schreber described [MMNI] in his famous autobiography. ... .

p. 87

... Emmanuel Swedenborg, the brillant 18th century scientist who heard voices .he identified {read instead : "which identified themselves"} as everyone {read "certain persons"} from Socrates to Jesus, and whose

verbal hallucintions

{read instead : "divine revelations revealed to him by divine grace"}

founded {read : "enabled the founding. by divine grace, of"} the Swedenborgian religion}

Or his ... follower William Blake, whose poems were heard from

believed-in angels

{Unbelieving infidels simply do not tend to be divinely granted divine communications by divine grace. There is every advantage in having faith to believe, but no advantage in having faithlessness so as to disbelieve.}

all about him.

{FALSE! None of the poe:ms are about himself; instead, those poe:ms are godly and veritable descriptions of Paradise and of Heaven. [In this connection there is applicable the scripture : (Eu-angelion kata Ioannes 20:29) "blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."]}

MMNI = D. P. Schreber : Memoirs of My Nervour Illness.

Eu-angelion kata Ioannes 20:29

p. 91 "breakdown of mentality" ... or, breakdown of human rights?

"The whole Hebrew Testatament can be read as the slow ... breakdown of ... mentality and

{There are actually two Yis`ra>eliy religions (making for, formerly, two varieties of Towrah) : the northern polytheism (devoted to the inter-co-operating >lohiym) and the southern monotheism (devoted to the tyrannical despot Yahweh), the latter (a war-god) becoming dominant also in the north with military conquaests by the Makkabay (in late Hellenistic times).}

its replacement by wisdom."

{H.akmah ('Wisdom') was originally a goddess within the polytheistic theology, and is as yet worshipped in the Eastern Orthodox (Hellenic and Slavic) Church. That which largely evolved, however, was (within Christianity) a replacement of a widely-inclusive pan-theon by a lesserly-inclusive tri-theism, reducing most of the former co-aequal (and therefore mutually co-operative) deities to the status of servile mal>akiym (angeloi) : this matched the increasing praevalence of servitude (supplanting freedom) in the antient Mediterranean world, co-aeval with a political process of replacing former democracies with newly-contrived monarchies.}

{The gist of Jaynes's scheme is to regard monarchical tyrannia as an improvement over ancient free demo-krateia : which sly scheme Jaynes disguiseth as a replacement of "unconsciousness" (read "eleutheria/libertas/freedom") by "consciousness" (read "dooleia/famulatus/slavery").}


Marcel Kuijsten (ed.) : Reflections on the Dawn of Consciousness : Julian Jaynes's Bicameral Mind Theory Revisited. Julian Jaynes Society, Henderson (NV), 2006.